Strengthen Your Intuition and Master Your Life With 9D Breathwork


By practicing Breathwork you are tapping into your body´s innate wisdom.

Your body has experienced so much, and it can recognize patterns and guide you through anything.

When trauma is stored in the body, it is like trapped survival energy. Than energy will only be released, when the nervous system feels safe.

The most productive thing you can do is sit or lay down, breathe and listen to your body. Your body is always talking.

So it is ideal to have a good environment for this kind of work. I can give you that.

Why 9D BREATHWORK is so unique

  • Masterfully Crafted Sound and Breathwork Experiences that Facilitate Life-Changing Transformations.

  • It delivers not just immediate relief from the stresses of daily life but also facilitates a journey toward lasting well-being, making it an indispensable tool in the modern quest for health and happiness.

  • 9D Breathwork aids in the release of stored emotions in the body.

  • The combination of 9D Multi-Dimensional Sound Experience, Binaural Brain Entrainment, Solfeggio Frequencies, Isochronic Brainwave Tones, Bioakustics Sound Effects, Somatic Breathwork and guided Vocal Coaching helps you to let go of stress, anxiety and beeing overwhelmd and leads into calmness, openness and a stronger access to your intuition.



Beate started with energy work and meditation back in 1987 after a serious car accident.

She learned inner alchemy, transformation of stress into life force and intensive breathing techniques from the Taoist Grand Master Mantak Chia. Since she accompanied him in Europe and Thailand for a total of 10 years and became a senior facilitator, these skills have become second nature to her.

She has been a leadership, personal and business coach for over three decades. In her coaching sessions with C-level executives and entrepreneurs, this energy and breath work plays an important role in individual growth.

After personally experiencing the revolutionary 9D Breathwork in a session with the developer Brian Kelly and being able to have this profound experience herself, she intuitively trained with him to become a Breath Master and 9D Breathwork Facilitator.

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9D Breathwork Session